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Following a cult-classic cassette demo and subsequent vinyl reissue via Mass Media, Chicago/NYC’s Cemetery have returned to both recorded format and live shows with a vengeance. Its been a few years since many musicians versed in punk and hardcore’s energy and ethos have been delving in the dark arts of post punk and death rock ,revitalising a genre that since the 90s has been cursed with overproduction and lackluster theatrics. CEMETERY, along with BELLICOSE MINDS, SPECTERS and ARCTIC FLOWERS are at the forefront of this movement and their demo (reissued as “collection”) was one of its first widely distributed documents. Now some 5 years later, CEMETERY has emerged from its hiding place to unleash their proper debut and the years have been good to them, presenting a more refined and expansive sound while remaining raw and mysterious. A very much guitar driven death rock project, the guitar sounds entrance with their choral melodies one minute, slice through with cutting distortion the next, and there is definitely a difficulty discerning the role of snyths from the layers of guitar effects at times. Its apparent that more so than the heaviest of their modern post punk contemporaries like aforementioned ARCTIC FLOWERS, LOST TRIBE and CRIMSON SCARLET that CEMETERY are far more informed by the 80s sound of what was called death-rock, with a very apparent CHRISTIAN DEATH influence while obviously digging deeper. More melodic post punk influences shine through this time around most notably that of the CHAMELEONS (whom are covered on this LP, with a fantastically twisted punk version of “Fan and the Bellows”) especially on the very dance floor ready tracks “ Wind and Shadows”, “XVVX” and “Almond Eyes”. This album remains true to its title as it is both the noise and chaos of a world being torn apart by winds of modern life as well as a testament to the classic sounds of post punk that have flourished in the shadows of the dance club scene. Here is the sound of its rebirth, and death rock sounds more dead than ever.

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